
At Toastmasters Ron mentioned The Seven Laws of Influence developed by Robert Cialdini, quoting

  1. Reciprocity: People feel obligated to return favors or gifts they receive. This is why companies sometimes offer free samples or discounts.
  2. Liking: People are more likely to be persuaded by people they like or find similar to themselves.
  3. Social Proof: People are more likely to do something if they believe others are doing it too. This is why testimonials and reviews can be so effective.
  4. Authority: People tend to be persuaded by experts or figures of authority.
  5. Commitment and Consistency: People are more likely to stick with a decision they've already made, especially if they've announced it publicly.
  6. Scarcity: People tend to value things more when they are in limited supply. This is why "limited time offers" are so common in marketing.
  7. Unity: People are more likely to be persuaded by appeals to belonging to a group or team.

It's important to remember that these principles should be used ethically and with the goal of mutual benefit.

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