Redis Notes
I'm very grateful to have been in a workshop today taught by Guy Royse because I learned a lot about Redis and how to put on a great workshop.
To start, I forked Guy's repo: My fork (where I will put notes is I plan to summarize things a bit here in this blog post.
During this conference I've been trying to use a linux computer on the cloud to avoid downloading a lot over the conference wifi. It's been going well. I even started using mosh again (mosh --port 1025 hostname tmux -a
Because I like docker compose up -d
& friends more than plain docker commands, I built a docker compose file first thing. What happened next surprised me.
During Nebraska Code, I learned that just doing a docker compose up -d
will expose ports to the whole Internet. Yikes! I had a redis server open to the whole Internet for a while on Wednesday. After a bunch of googling and talking to folks I found a stackoverflow that led to this commit (reference & notes are in the commit).
I'm excited to try Redis - TIL that redis, at its heart, is a data structure server.
- Redis Data Types include lists, sets, hashes, sorted sets, streams, geospatial indexes, bitmaps, bitfields and more via extensions
- Bloom Filter
- HyperLogLog
- Caching API results video was mentioned during class & I'm watching it now.
- Redis University is free!
- Public Redis bookmarks I noted this month include
- The Redis Input Output Tool - RIOT
- Redis OM for Node.js
- Redis Smart Cache is an open source library that seamlessly adds caching to any JDBC-compliant platform, application, or microservice.
- I want to look for a demo that shows this off using ab, JMeter or Gatling.
- Redis-om-Spring: Spring Data Redis extensions for better search, documents models, and more
- Learn how to build with Redis Stack and Spring
- TIL ULIDs exist and they are better than UUIDs because they can sorted by time
- SDR - Software Defined Radio and Tire Sensors
Redis as a Graph Database
- Dungeons, Dragons, and Graph Databases - Guy Royse - NDC London 2022 is an amazing talk!
- Redis is phasing out RedisGraph :-(
- Maybe it would be fun to redo Guy's talk using Apache AGE?
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