Rust looks fun

I'm delighted to be joining a study group working through

Here are some things that are inspiring or look useful:


1: How to Learn Rust from No Boilerplate mentions:

  1. The Book: The Rust Programming Language
    1. is a version with interactive quizzes.
  2. Rust By Example
  3. Rustlings

And it gives a nice shout out to Young's Ultralearning.

2: Rust Powered Polymorphism ⚡️ With Traits by Code to the Moon

  1. My code along repo is and includes a release of a MS-Windows build with full debug turned on (which is why it's 5.27 MB)
  2. Chapter Ten of The Rust Book

3: Rust's Most Important Containers 📦 10 Useful Patterns

Happy things

Things that I've had exerience with that make me happy....

  1. Cross compiling on Linux targetting MS-Windows I used the instructions in a stackoverflow post that came back from a quick google search.
    1. vi ~/.cargo/config && cat ~/.cargo/config
    linker = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
    ar = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar"
    1. sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 -y
    2. rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
    3. cargo build --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
    4. find target -name "*.exe"
  2. Many thanks to Kirby for finding this article "How to setup GitHub Actions for Rust to build binaries". I'm looking forward to trying GitHub Actions.


One of my goals is to be contribute code to an open-source cross platform utility that:

  1. Is delivered as a stand alone statically linked executable (no installer)
  2. Manages a database stored, without administratively privileges, on storage controlled by the computer (local hard drive or network home folder)
  3. Contains a web server running locally -- that serves a user interface written in react or angular

To try one day

  1. The VS Code Rust Analyzer works well on my Mac MINI
  3. -- Code to the Moon said nice things
  4. Rust on AWS YouTube Playlist

Tags: rust, exercism, study

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